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Here's what you can expect from our Consultation for Professionals:


  • Standardized Assessments: We suggest, assist, and collaborate with the administration of comprehensive assessments to establish baselines and identification of areas of need. These assessments provide valuable insights into student strengths and challenges, skill acquisition targets and guiding the development of effective interventions.


  • IEP Support and Development: We offer expertise in Individualized Education Program (IEP) support and development. Our team collaborates with educators, parents, and administrators to create meaningful and actionable IEPs that address student needs and promote optimal learning outcomes.


  • Functional Behavior Assessments (FBAs): When maladaptive behavior interferes with learning, our team assists with the administration of thorough FBAs to understand the underlying causes. Based on the results, we can collaborate with the team to assist in creating a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) that outlines recommended intervention strategies to address the behavior effectively.


  • Implementation Support: We will work closely with professionals to ensure the successful implementation of behavior plans, IEP’s and interventions in the classroom. Through collaborative consultations, we provide guidance, answer questions, and address challenges that may arise during implementation.


  • Student Programming Setup: We can provide guidance with setting up individualized student programming, ensuring that it aligns with their unique needs and goals. Our team works closely with professionals to develop appropriate academic, behavioral, and social-emotional programming that supports student success.


  • Data Collection: We emphasize the importance of data-driven decision making. Our team supports professionals in developing efficient and effective data collection systems, analyzing data, and using it to inform instructional practices and interventions.


  • Collaborative Problem-Solving: Together, we will engage in collaborative problem-solving to address specific behavior issues or challenges you may be facing. By analyzing the factors contributing to the behaviors and developing individualized solutions, we will work towards long-lasting behavior change and positive outcomes.


  • Individualized 1-1 or Small Group Training: Our team offers personalized training sessions for professionals including educators, paraprofessionals, and daycare providers. It will equip them with the knowledge and skills to effectively support students with diverse learning needs. These training sessions are tailored to address specific goals and areas of focus, empowering educators to create an inclusive and supportive environment.


  • Onsite and Virtual Support: Our clinical staff is available to work directly with teachers, providing guidance and interventions both onsite in the classroom and remotely. This flexible approach ensures that support is accessible regardless of location or circumstances. 


  • Ongoing Guidance: Throughout our consultation journey, you can expect ongoing support and guidance. We are dedicated to your success and will provide additional resources, answer questions, and offer follow-up sessions to ensure your continued progress and confidence.


Partner with us and benefit from our Consultation for Professionals, designed to empower educators, enhance child outcomes, and create a positive and inclusive learning environment. Together, let's transform education and provide every student with the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Empower Growth.          Equip with Skills.          Build Connections.

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